ICA Seeking Two New At-Large Directors To Round Out Board


The Illinois Chess Association is seeking two additional board members to serve out terms through December 31, 2017.

Board members will have an opportunity to contribute their voice to the decision making process for the 55-year old 501 (c) (3).

Duties will vary depending upon skillsets -- but the core responsibility will be telephonic attendance of monthly board meetings (typically on the second Wednesday of each month).

This is truly an opportunity to make a difference in the Illinois chess community.

Qualifications are minimal -- one should be a voting-eligible member of the ICA meaning that their dues should be current and they must be 19-years of age or older according to the current bylaws.

The main qualification is an enthusiam for helping the Association develop strategic partnerships and expanded outreach with the chess community as well as helping us guiding us in efforts to enhance our efficiency in accomplishing core services.

If interested -- or perhaps with an eye to future volunteerism -- please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..