ICA Election Cycle Underway for 2020 - Call for Nominations



The ICA is calling for nominations of officers to the Board of Directors. Officers are elected in even-numbered years and are the five members of the Executive Board: President, Metro Vice-President, Downstate Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary. Officers must be residents of Illinois and members of the ICA.

Due to the ongoing pandemic, the schedule has changed slightly as follows:

The deadline for submitting a nomination is November 10, 2020. In addition to stating their willingness to serve, those interested in running for election need to submit support from 10 ICA members eligible to vote, i.e. members age 19 or older with an active membership at the time of supporting the nomination.

Nominations may be sent by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by regular mail to: Illinois Chess Association, Inc., Nominations, P.O. Box 822, Prospect Heights, IL 60070.

Ballots will be distributed by November 17, 2020.

The last day to vote is December 8, 2020.