Illowa Chess Club's 2013 Fall Classic

Saturday, October 5th, 2013. It's a beautiful day on the beautiful campus of Augustana College in Rock Island, Illinois. Ok, maybe it's raining. But every day is a beautiful day when you're at a chess tournament.

It's the Illowa Chess Club's (A5010241) annual Fall Classic. Players were a nice mix of local and out of towners. Some came from as far as Carthage, Illinois, others from central Iowa. There were 19 players in attendance ranging from our local 1900 level powerhouse to a freshly minted USCF member who left that day with a provisional rating of 1056. Another family, new to chess, spent a few hours in the lobby area playing skittles and chatting with the chessters as they cycled in and out of the game room. Time control was game in 65 with a 5 second delay. Slow enough to be able to give it some thought, yet quick enough to get in four rounds in one day with reasonable comfort.


At the Illowa Club we run rated tournaments every Tuesday evening. Sometimes these are blitz, sometimes quick, and sometimes regular long time control. We even throw in a themed G20 swiss every now and again. Check out our website at for times, contact info, and what's lining up on an open file near you.

Good chess to you from the Quad Cities!